Department of Psychology
College of Arts and Sciences
Director of Clinical Training at the University of Miami.
Dr. La Greca focuses on children’s reactions to trauma (especially natural disasters), adolescent peer relations (including peer victimization) and on anxiety and coping in children and adolescents. Dr. La Greca’s research team documented the effects of post-traumatic stress in children following Hurricane Andrew, and assessed children’s reactions to Hurricanes Charley, Katrina, and Ike to evaluate methods for mediating these reactions over time. Dr. La Greca has authored several publications designed to understand children’s reactions to natural disasters and disseminates information on how to help children cope in the aftermath of disasters. She has also developed several manuals for school personnel, counselors and parents on related topics.
Her After the Storm guide to help children cope with the psychological effects of a hurricane has been widely used after Hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Ike and is available for free download. Her manual Helping America Cope is also available as a free PDF.