Her clinical specialty is midwifery and her expertise includes maternal and child health. She teaches and conducts research in women’s health, health disparities, and international health. Dr. Cianelli also studies HIV prevention and was the recipient of a Fogarty AIDS International Training and Research traineeship at the University of Illinois, Chicago. She speaks Spanish.

Our innovative approach to studying the development, intensification and lasting effects of tropical cyclones on human beings and our environment has defined us as a global leader in the effort to better understand this weather phenomenon. Striving to provide the most advanced and accurate scientific information to our community, faculty members from the University, working in a diverse array of disciplines, are available to answer media questions about these extreme weather phenomena, and other related topics.
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Alan Delamater, Ph.D., is a professor of Pediatrics and Psychology, and a Pediatric Psychologist at the UM Miller School of Medicine. Dr. Delamater is an expert on how to help children and their parents cope with stress, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and parenting issues.
In 2007, he and his team designed and deployed a first-of-its-kind hurricane buoy in “Hurricane Alley,” and participated in a number of hurricane studies. Dr. Drennan is available to discuss air-sea interaction, boundary layers, surface gravity waves and turbulence.

Dr. Gonzalez-Guarda graduated from Georgetown University with a Bachelor in the Science of Nursing (BSN), from Johns Hopkins University with a Master in Nursing and Public Health (MPH), and from the University of Miami with an Interdepartmental Doctorate in Nursing, Epidemiology and Psychology (PhD). In the past she has worked on community health nursing projects, […]

Dr. Graber operates an Atlantic hurricane monitoring program with numerous satellites. From the satellite radar data high-resolution wind and wave fields can be determined as well as more detail on the storm’s inner core and eye wall. He recently completed a large field program studying typhoons in the western Pacific. Dr. Graber’s research focuses on radar remote sensing of […]
Dr. Hall teaches and conducts research at the School of Nursing and Health Studies and has “touched” many people within the Miami-Dade community. She has created and implemented health care delivery models that serve the very poor, the homeless, immigrants, African Americans and the elderly within the State of Florida. Former Florida governor Lawton Chiles […]

He studies wave-current interactions, and shelf and estuary dynamics using primarily radar remote sensing techniques. Dr. Haus’ hurricane research involves studies of the air-sea coupling in very high winds. In particular using the Rosenstiel School’s Air-Sea Interaction Saltwater Tank (ASIST), to investigate the effects of wave breaking and spray on the air-sea interface. This work will be greatly expanded in the surge-structure atmosphere interaction facility […]
He has investigated issues related to natural hazards and the built environment since Hurricane Andrew in 1992. He produced Hurricane Hazard Mitigation, edited with Beth Dunlop, in which he outlines a “Five-Point Disaster Plan” and participated in the Mississippi Renewal Forum charrette after Hurricane Katrina. He is available to discuss how buildings, bridges, and other […]

Dr. Kirtman uses state-of-the-art global climate prediction systems to exam the predictability of short term (weeks to several months) climate. This includes predictions of El Nino and how El Nino might influence the short-term climate around the globe and the South East US in particular. Currently, Dr. Kirtman is leading an effort for NOAA to […]
Department of Psychology College of Arts and Sciences Director of Clinical Training at the University of Miami. Dr. La Greca focuses on children’s reactions to trauma (especially natural disasters), adolescent peer relations (including peer victimization) and on anxiety and coping in children and adolescents. Dr. La Greca’s research team documented the effects of post-traumatic stress […]

His research focuses on improving analyses and predictions of hurricanes and typhoons, through ensemble forecasting and the intelligent use of satellite and aircraft observations in numerical weather prediction models. Dr. Majumdar is an expert on the state of hurricane forecasting and how researchers and their methods are helping to improve hurricane prediction.
Senior Research Associate Rosenstiel School of Marine & Atmospheric Science Brian is an expert on hurricanes and is knowledgeable about severe weather and tornadoes. He has blogged for the Washington Post since 2012 as their tropical weather expert, and has been a tornado chaser since 1998. Department Website/CV RSMAS Blog: Tornadoes vs. Hurricanes
Aristides J. Millas, Ph.D., is an associate professor in the School of Architecture. He is co-author of Coral Gables, Miami Riviera: An Architectural Guide and Old Miami Beach: A Case Study in Historic Preservation, July 1976-July 1980. Dr. Millas is a specialist on Miami’s architectural history and is available to discuss how Miami’s buildings have […]
Peter Muller, Ph.D., is a professor of Geography in the College of Arts and Sciences. Dr. Muller is an urban geographer with interests in the geography of suburbanization, urban structural transformation and the management of international urban problems. He is available to discuss where hurricanes occur, and how different cultures handle them, as well as […]
Associate Professor, Department of Meterology and Physical Oceanography Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science Dr. Nolan studies the fundamental mechanics of hurricanes – how they work, what causes the rapid changes in hurricane intensity, and how the frequency and intensity of hurricanes may (or may not) change with a changing climate. He also focuses on […]
Eugene Provenzo, Ph.D., is a professor in the School of Education. Dr. Provenzo authored Hurricane Andrew, The Public Schools, and Rebuilding of Community (State University of New York Press), an ethnographic study of the recovery of three schools after Hurricane Andrew, and In the Eye of Hurricane Andrew (University Press of Florida) an oral history […]

Dr. Schiavenato’s research interests lie in the application of technology to assess pain in vulnerable groups such as premature infants and other pediatric and non-verbal patient populations such as geriatrics. Dr. Schiavenato’s laboratory applies novel tools to interpret physiologic and behavioral signals including facial expressions, in an attempt to decipher the presence and intensity of […]

Dr. Shay studies hurricane intensity change and in particular rapid changes which usually occurs within 24 to 48 hours of landfall. Through the Upper Ocean Dynamics Laboratory at RSMAS, the focus of these efforts is on the impact of the upper ocean conditions, such as the Loop Current and the associated warm eddy field on heat transfer rates between the […]
Dr. Soden uses observations and computer models to study the effects of natural and human-caused climate change on hurricane activity. His collaborations with NOAA’s Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory in Princeton, N.J. have delivered groundbreaking climatological models and information on wind shear and hurricane intensity.

Dr. Solo-Gabriele is the associate dean for research at the College of Engineering. She has extensive experience in an array of areas, including microbes in ocean water and beach sand, water flows within the Everglades watershed, and metals in pressure treated wood. She is an expert on the infrastructure of Cuba, specifically water and wastewater systems. She […]

Dr. Ugarriza is a clinical specialist, adult psychiatric mental health nurse. Dr. Ugarriza’s research focuses on mental health with a special emphasis on issues pertaining to the mental health of women. She won a Fulbright Scholar award for a teaching grant project in Cyprus during 2003-2004. Dr. Ugarriza teaches community psychiatric-mental health nursing, death and […]
Yunqui (Daniel) Wang, Ph.D., is a lecturer in the department of Biology in the College of Arts and Sciences. Dr. Wang studies the genetic structure of South Florida’s slash pine population using polymorphic microsatellite DNA markers. Slash pines are a keystone species of the Everglades pine and rockland community, one of the most endangered forest […]
Harold R. Wanless, Ph.D., is chairman and a professor in the Department of Geological Sciences and Cooper Fellow in the College of Arts and Sciences. He is available to discuss effects of hurricanes on coastal environments, coastal erosion and post hurricane recovery processes. He has an active research program documenting hurricane effects on coastal environments; […]
Kaufui Vincent Wong, Ph. D., is a professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering in the College of Engineering. Dr. Wong is an expert on the energy sciences and the environment. He can talk about the effect of strong hurricane winds and tidal surges on infrastructure like power lines. He is active on several national committees […]
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